Yin yang yoga

You’ve got the energy right if you want Mr. Right.

To illustrate what I mean, here’s a quick example…

Some years ago, after a personal growth event I helped put on, I went to dinner with two of the key women behind the event.

Both were highly capable, whip-smart women who could rival any guy any day.

Yet when it came time to order, they asked me to decide on the food. They’d been making decisions all weekend, so they considered it a privilege to let me handle the dinner choices.

I got to feel in-service to these women — an extra honor because they were obviously capable of handling their own needs.

That’s what makes a great relationship, too.

You’re a modern woman. You’re out working, climbing your career ladder as high as you want to go and taking care of yourself.

We men do get that. And hat’s off to you!

Yet we still want the honor of helping you.

It’s like a dance. We want to lead in some ways, and you can lead in others.

Both partners taking charge to lead (the yang energy) at the same time just gets you bruised toes and a bitter heart — a big turn-off to potential future partners.

Worse still, when you’re leading in ways you want a man to, you’ll attract the wrong men AND bring out a version of even Mr. Right you don’t want.

Did you catch that?

It’s one of the biggest success secrets of happily-married couples.

They’ve sorted out who will lead when to feel in union (a.k.a. “yoga”).

For example, even though I love to cook, my sweet wifey often makes dinner while I work. We’re leading and being led in different ways, so we keep enjoying the dance day after day.

Yes, it takes practice. And there are a bunch of nuances to it.

To help you master the nuances and attract a man with just the right energy blend, you now have a chance at more affordable coaching than ever with me.

That’s because I’ve launched my group-based Soulmate Attraction Partnership with a bunch of juicy bonuses (including a couple of *years* of support for FREE).

If that sounds intriguing, first apply for a no-cost Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session with me.

You’ll walk way with all sorts of clarity and a new lightness. You may also get an invitation into the group program at the end if your situation is right for it. The program isn’t for everyone, after all.

To sharing your life with The One,


An astrologer and a lonely gal

Jess is lonely. “Time to see an astrologer,” she thinks.

Jess desperately wants to meet Mr. Right, get married and have three or four kids.

She’s already done her rounds on the dating scene to no avail. Coffee dates from dating site men, blind dates through friends and even random connections at get-togethers.

No Mr. Right in sight.

So Jess cuts to the chase when she sits down with the astrologer. “What do you see in my stars??”

The astrologer, a wise-looking gray-bearded man, pauses for a moment to breathe deeply before speaking.

“For the first 36 years of your life, you will be fraught with loneliness.”

“Okay! Well, I’m 35 now, so what happens after 36?”

The astrologer pauses again, then locks eyes with Jess.

“You’ll get used to it.”

Not exactly what our gal wanted to hear!

But the astrologer still pointed out an important lesson:

You can control how you feel, regardless of what you have or don’t have.

Easier said than done if you don’t have food, but not having Mr. Right isn’t the same as starving.

The happier you become, the more magnetic you become to Mr. Right.

That’s been a consistent theme among my clients. For example, I remember one woman who initially came for help just feeling happier. She said “I feel broken. Help fix me.”

Almost immediately, she gushed that she also wanted to meet a man.

Guess what? She met a great guy a few months into our unknotting her issues.

Same for me. That’s how I ultimately attracted in my darling wife, Nesit.

You can do it, too.

Notice when you’re not happy and reflect on why. You’ll find which beliefs are holding back your happiness.

For attracting your Mr. Right, all my clients start with the Soulmate Attraction Blueprint and Soulmate Manifesto. Both are bedrock in my system.

That’s why I’m giving you the whole first module of my paid product free, to guide you through them on video.

Not sure how long it’ll be available like this, so go take advantage now.

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. I also just launched my Soulmate Attraction Partnership group coaching program. Getting my personal help to attract Mr. Right is now vastly more affordable.

To see you qualify, apply for a Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session with me. You’ll walk away with all the clarity listed on that page — even if we clarify that the group program isn’t right for you.

Ohhhh the irony…

A funny thing often happens when I ask women to describe their dream wedding…

Their eyebrows shoot skyward into their hairlines.

Their eyes light up.

Their hands flair outward to start describing their ornately elegant dress, as if they were wearing it.

Then, they flow into describing where the wedding would be, how the whole place would be decorated and who’d be there.

Women are incredible with detail, especially when there’s so much emotion underneath.

Yet there’s something curious missing from the dream invisibly playing out.

Can you guess what it is?

Hint: It happens to be the reason you’re having the wedding in the first place.

Well, not “it.”

More like “he.” I’m talking about the dream guy you’re marrying!

No, I’m not saying you can see his face clearly and you’ll meet a guy who looks exactly like that. We both know real life rarely works that way.

Yet how much have you clarified what’s most important about your Mr. Right?… Your must-haves and deal-breakers.

Yes, daydreaming about the stationary for your wedding invitations may seem like more fun at first.

But why?

Usually because there’s a LOT more fear about spec’ing out Mr. Right and being disappointed. You won’t have that fear about stationary.

After all, what happened in previous relationships when you weren’t clear about what you required?


That’s why I’m gifting you today with the whole first module from an upcoming paid product, walking you through what you need to know about your Mr. Right and how to clarify it.

This is exactly the process I took myself to meet my beautiful sweet wife, Nesit. After two failed marriages, I was determined to create and follow a simple (and yes, even fun) process that just plain worked.

Of course, it’s also the process my clients all go through — one of whom met her match in only four months after struggling to even find dates.

So, if you’re serious about living in lasting love, go take advantage here.

To sharing your life with The One,


[Video] Better than Aladdin’s Magic Lamp?

Three wishes. Anything you want. Just rub the lamp.

No wonder the Aladdin’s magic lamp fable lives on.

Of course, real life isn’t that easy. But it’s also not as hard as people make it. And you’re NEVER limited to three measly wishes when you follow these three simple steps…

(Watch the video above!)

Go claim your Mr. Right and anything else you want.

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. Iā€™m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Like a messed-up game of Where’s Waldo?

Have you seen any of the “Where’s Waldo?” books for kids?

On each page, there’s a drawing of some super-crowded scene. There’s so much going on and so many people doing it. Almost makes your eyes cross.

Amidst that chaos, you’ve got to find Waldo — a geeky-looking pale guy wearing a red-and-white beanie.

Doesn’t seem that hard, right?

You know what the guy looks like going in (he’s on the book cover).

So the whole chase is fun at frst. You’re on a mission to find a familiar face.

Yet you can strain your eyes for several minutes looking for him.

When fun finally turns into frustration, you may want to give up.

Just like in your quest to find Mr. Right (a.k.a. “The One”).

Except this time you don’t even know what he looks like.

And you’re searching among 3+ billion adult men across planet Earth.

Thankfully, you *do* have Law of Attraction on your side. But most of us still aren’t clear about what we want, and we’ve got all sorts of emotional blocks to allowing it in.

The clear evidence? Attracting man after man with the same issues.

After awhile, women start believing all men are like that, so they just start “training” the guy they’re with into compliance.

Which only makes your life (and his) worse.

What’s been your experience with this?

Reply and share. I read every message and promise to reply.

To sharing your life with The One,


The myth of the “spark”

“OMG… He’s a total Hottie McHotterson.”

Got that line from a tv commercial. šŸ™‚

A giggly bubbly teen (or maybe pre-teen) girl gushes over a boy named Ryan.

You know how girls at that age can be.

The hormones are starting to surge and they go “boy crazy.”

If they get together with the cute boy, maybe they they text other smoochie-face emoticons.

Or they steal kisses at recess or walking between classes.

Or they scoot behind the baseball backstop for a hands-everywhere romantic rendezvous.

That’s fine for teenagers exploring.

It’s even fine for adults exploring, whether you’re “up in da club” or back at your place for a night cap.

But if you tell me you want The One (the reason you’re on this list), then seeking out “the spark” first just plain WON’T work.

No way. No how. Nothin’ doin’.

The adult version is worse. Because once you do the Dance with No Pants (*ahem* you know what I’m talking about), it’s nearly impossible to think straight.

The oxytocin spike in your body literally takes WEEKS to wear off. It’s called the “bonding hormone” for a reason. It makes women feel clingy to the guy who, umm, spiked it.

So am I saying to forget the Chemistry?

No, not at all.

You *can* have the sizzling Chemistry. My wife and I sure do.

You just have to keep it simmering on the backburner for awhile — even if you’re scared of losing the guy.

Because The One won’t leave you for wanting to pace things. He’ll enjoy exploring all the ways you’re a good fit for him.

Once you’re sure you feel a natural, consistent energetic Connection, you make sure you share Compatibility on your must-haves and deal-breakers.

Common outlooks on life, like your spiritual views, timelines for marriage, whether to have kids and how many, whether you’d stay home with the kids until they’re a certain age, etc.

Your relationship is sunk without Connection and Compatibility, so what’s the point of igniting a spark into Chemistry too soon?

Of course, we all make mistakes. What challenges have you had with this in your dating?

Reply back to share. I read every message and promise to reply back.

To sharing your life with The One,


Why you can’t just trust your heart

How long to date before getting married?

When I recently asked that in the Facebook group, one gal said she’d wait at least 3 years before even getting engaged. Plus at least another 2 years before getting married.

Some others said their hearts would just know they’d found the right person, which could happen any time — even a couple of weeks in.

Even then, I strongly encourage couples to wait awhile.

ESPECIALLY if you’ve been hurt before.

Or if you have an especially trusting heart.

As the saying goes in the business world:

“Trust, but verify.”

After all, you could be dating an emotional Jekyll-and-Hyde guy, who doesn’t fully rear his sinister face until you’re far enough down the road.

One of our group members shared about marrying a guy like this. So sad.

When my first wife left me on her birthday in 1994, plunging me into shock that stripped 15 pounds from my frame in the first week, I resolved to be SUPER careful the next time.

It wasn’t like we jumped into marriage, either. We dated for a good couple of years. We were college sweethearts.

So when that next love came much sooner than I expected (she lived in the same apartment building!), I had my guard up.

As our relationship progressed and felt right in my heart, I still saw certain patterns in her and between us that needed addressing before getting married.

So I asked her to come to counseling with me.

She agreed, though reluctantly.

The counselor helped us weigh, in a neutral way, how wise marriage would be and when.

Yes, this sounds vastly less romantic than letting your heart carry you away into a secret love cove in the clouds.

But it works. Having a third party to help you see what you don’t see and decide on timing can be great.

Because, no matter how intuitive you are, you don’t know everything. You don’t know what you don’t know.

So if the guy you’re with refuses to go, that’s a red flag right there.

Exactly how long do I suggest waiting to get engaged?

At least 6 months.

With marriage coming within a year or two of that.

That way, you know your relationship is growing and glowing. Time flies when you’re having fun anyway, right? šŸ˜‰

Of course, you may be thinking of a long-term happily-married couple you know who got married fast.

Yes, there are some examples out there like that. They only knew each other a few weeks or a couple of months before deciding to tie the knot.

But they’re the exception.

Because countless couples who do that don’t last.

The unknowns start to surface *after* they’ve walked down the aisle. Then they think, “This isn’t the person I married.”

Yes, it is. Unfortunately.

So, when you’re looking to make a lifelong commitment, play it safer than you might otherwise be tempted to.

Your heart will thank you for it later.

What’s been your experience?

Reply to share. I read every message and promise to reply back.

To sharing your life with The One,


A Pebble-Ripple Reminder to Realize Romance ASAP

What did the Beach Boys and Abe Lincoln know about attraction?

A whole lot, turns out.

So, as you reset for a new week, here’s their easy-peasy reminder about how to be instantly happier and more magnetic to your Mr. Right…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. Iā€™m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Who should pay for a date? (Maybe not who you think)

This one question sparks some serious ire.

Don’t let that happen to you. Or you’ll miss out on the deeper truth.

Before we get down to that, let’s look at common belief.

Tradition says “The man should pay.”

Been that way for ages. Chivalry and all that.

But that rule needs an upgrade, which is:

The yang energy pays.

Yang is traditionally considered masculine energy because it’s a putting-yourself-out-there take-charge way of being.

Everyone has yang energy, though. And women now spend more time than ever before in their yang modes.


Because of workplace culture. High-yang energy is usually required just to function.

And women are great at adapting.

Challenge is, yang energy usually repels yang energy, so women attract men who don’t ask them out.

The women end up doing the asking and wind up in countless confusing situations, including who should pay.

So if you do the asking (nothing wrong with that if you do it consciously), you offer to pay.

If the man does the asking, let him pay. (You can have a clear conversation about this beforehand to avoid misunderstandings.)

This whole yin-yang thing is a DEEP topic, which is bedrock for happy lifetime-long partnerships.

That’s why you’ll hear me talking more about it as we go. Just wanted to give you a tasty morsel for today. No payment required. šŸ™‚

Your thoughts?

Reply to share. I read every message and promise to reply back.

To sharing your life with The One,


Wow… Rev. Billy Graham’s wife said this?

The great reverend Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth, was once asked whether she’d ever thought of divorce.

She said, “Divorce? No.

Murder? Yes.”


Jokes aside, Billy and Ruth were married more than 60 years before she passed in 2007.

Their love was obvious everywhere they went. Something for you and I both to aspire to.

Yet they clearly didn’t have the “perfect” marriage.

They had disagreements. Not everything was exactly how they wanted it to be.

Same for me.

I live my life with my dream soulmate wife, yet we still don’t see eye to eye on some things.

We’d also change others if we had a magic wand.

But being sooooo right for each other lets us overlook all that stuff.

Because it’s small in comparison.

So, when you’re making your wishlist for Mr. Right, realize that he may not be a millionaire underwear model who’s also a rocket scientist, speaks 7 languages and loves to cook 5-star meals on the side.

You may find all the Connection, Compatibility, Chemistry and Communication (the 4 Core Sacred Soulmate Signals) with someone a little less accomplished… or chiseled. šŸ™‚

What’s been your experience being surprised (positively or negatively) by men you’ve met?

Reply back to share. I read and reply to every message.

To sharing your life with The One,
