Google, gorillas and guys

Google made a BIG mistake last year…

Their Photos app tagged two black people in a photo as gorillas.


That didn’t go over too well in the press. (USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and others ran full articles about it).

So much for employing the smartest people in the world to build the smartest software in the world.

Don’t get me wrong. Their technology is still amazing. It’s just nowhere near as amazing as human beings at some things.

Image analysis, for starters lol.

Software is also far from perfect at sizing up character, partially because it rarely has enough real-world data.

Your favorite dating site or app tells you he’s a 93% match, but you know something’s off as soon as you get on the phone.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt?

Too many women have.

I’m NOT saying to avoid dating sites and apps. They can be excellent tools. You just have to apply your own filters on top.

That’s where you need crystal clarity about what you’re really looking for in a guy.

Sadly, that’s also where too many women falter.

It doesn’t have to be that way for you.

Especially since you can get one-on-one help from me at no cost, if you qualify. It’s how I see if you’re right and ripe for my group coaching program, but you get all kinds of clarity in the process.

So apply for a no-cost Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session by Friday night and get a bonus Online Dating Profile Review with my partner, Sunni, if you’re accepted. (He’s a pro copywriter, which means he’s an expert at wooing with words!)

To sharing your life with The One,


Why Men Pull Away After Getting Close

So many women ask me why men pull away.

If you’ve ever found yourself hurt, wondering “Is he just another jerk doing a disappearing act?,” you’re not alone.

Find out the real reasons men pull away, especially when you’re just starting to get serious…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Video Transcript

Hi and welcome. It’s Milan with Tuning In to the One, the place and the space where you can find, attract, and build true lasting love with your ideal dream partner and soulmate. Today, why do men pull away after they get intimate in partnership, in dating, and in relationships? Well, it’s pretty straightforward and simple. They get scared. They get intimidated. They feel hurt and wounded. They feel inadequate. They start resenting you because you’re a better version of a man than they are and they’re lacking in authenticity, in honesty, in transparency, and they’re just plain not responsible. They’re not ready. Something scares them. Something intimidates them. Somehow they feel inadequate. They get angry and frustrated at some situation or they get resentful because you’re either too much of a woman or a better man than they are. The blame, the shame, the inadequacy and the criticism starts coming across, and either their inner voice or someone on the outside, maybe you, has shared with them: “What are you doing? “What’s going on?”, and it falls apart. When men fall apart from the inside out, they pull away. When they pull away, they don’t communicate. What they do is they go into their cave. Remember, while men have left the cave, the cave hasn’t really left the man! And so, men grow up physically, sometimes they grow up financially and have incredibly successful professional careers, but what they don’t have is emotional success. They haven’t dealt with their Fisher King wound. They haven’t dealt with being Peter Pan and running away from responsibility, from growing up emotionally, from having emotional intelligence to be able to speak to you. In the sacred soulmate signals, the four core secret soulmate signals are connection, compatibility, chemistry, and communication. Connection is the place where intimacy is built. When a man gets scared or intimidated or frustrated or angry or feels inadequate or thinks you’re just too good for him, he stops connecting, he disconnects, effective communication disappears, and you’re left wondering why. The blame, the shame, the inadequacy and the criticism comes from his inner voice to him; or your outer voice to him; or once he leaves, you’re like: “What happened?” Why do men leave and pull away after they’ve gotten intimate? The real reason is they haven’t grown up emotionally. They haven’t learned how to communicate. They don’t trust that the process will work out. That’s why the four core sacred soulmate signals are so essential. Building connection, exploring compatibility, and making sure you’re using effective communication to have that compatibility absolutely explored before you explode the chemistry that’s there, because once you are bonded through exploding the chemistry and physically sharing, then the oxytocin or the dopamine and all the other stuff is just coming in, and you’re asking yourself: “What happened?” What happened was he got scared, he got intimidated, he felt inadequate, he didn’t know how to deal with his anger or his frustration and his resentment, and he just pulled away. The taming of the shrew is something that a man doesn’t know how to handle. And what that means is he doesn’t know how to handle the impact of seeming conflict or criticism in a way that allows him to stand up and be a man, and say: “Yes, I own my stuff. “I’m gonna come with honesty, transparency, “accountability, and authenticity to the relationship. “I’m gonna honor the relationship, “and I’m going to do what it takes “to make sure we get through this. “Whatever I’m going through, I will share as best as I can, “and we’ll move forward.” But once that blame, that shame, that inadequacy, and that criticism takes over, whether it’s coming from his inner voice or your outer voice, he starts bolting. And when he closes down connection, he goes into his cave. When he goes into his cave, his ability to effectively communicate disappears. So, have hope. There are real men out there. They know what to do. They’ve gone through their Fisher King wound, which is something that might have been around for a long time, some inner unhealed wound that got triggered, and they’re ready to deal with it. They’re ready to be honest and transparent and responsible, or they’ve dealt with it and they’re over it. They won’t bail. So, if you wanna find out more, come and join us in our private group at or click the link on your screen right now or below the video, and you can join us in the private group and get all of your burning questions as well as those questions that have been around for a while, where you ask: “Why do men pull away “after they’ve gotten intimate?” The hot coal, the push-pull, all has a way of being dealt with, especially using the four core sacred soulmate signals. Come join us; you’ll be glad you did. Until the next time, this is Milan wishing you amazing dating success and relationship mastery. Bye for now.

Talmudic truth to recognize Mr. Right

The Talmud is one of those ancient spiritual texts with timeless truth.

In case you’re wondering what the Talmud is, it’s a tome of laws and doctrines written before the 8th century, A.D. by Jewish teachers.

Amidst all the wisdom, this one line gets me:

“We see things not as they are, but as we are.”

I don’t know if the translation is perfect or the exact context of the statement. But it’s still SO true.

That means Mr. Right could be standing right in front of you without you recognizing him.


Even as a conscious personal-growth-embracing woman, maybe you’re projecting a past trauma on him, thinking he’s less than “marriage material” because of X, Y or Z.

Our beliefs shape how we see the world. And our traumas shape our beliefs.

But how do you know if you’re missing quality guys who walk right by you?

Frustration, anger, resentment, sadness… really any emotion other than flowing happiness.

This is just how the Law of Attraction works.

If you want to work with moi to clear that stuff ASAP so you can be with The One ASAP, go here to apply for a FREE Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session.

If you apply before Friday, November 25th at 9PM Pacific and are accepted, my partner, Sunni, will also give you an Online Dating Profile Review.

No charge for all the value. We want you to enjoy the holidays this time next year with your dream guy by your side.

To sharing your life with The One,


Ancient Zen love secret

This is a profound Zen proverb…

Before enlightenment:
Chop wood
Carry water

After enlightenment:
Chop wood
Carry water

In other words, no matter how enlightened you get, you still have to take care of your physical life.

You’ve got to have clean water, food, clothes to keep warm and shelter to stay safe.

Same with marriage.

What happens after you marry The One?

You can have the most lavish wedding and honeymoon you’ve ever dreamt of, yet that all ends.

So what kind of guy would you enjoy doing the “chop wood” and “carry water” parts of life with?

Way too many of us plan more for the wedding and the honeymoon than the cooking, the dishes, the laundry, the budgeting and everything else we’ll need for a healthy partnership.

(You’d be amazed how much fun my wife and I have just doing this “humdrum” stuff.)

We choose the wrong partners because we’re not thinking of the right real-life situations.

I’ve lost count of the women have confessed to this mistake in our coaching sessions.

Of course, many women feel less fun (and a lot less clear) how to pick a guy they’ll enjoy being with day to day.

If that’s you and you want personal help, then apply for a no-cost Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session with me.

If you’re right for my new group program after we talk, you’ll get 2 Dynamic Date Planner sessions to plan any dates you want. But only if you apply for your Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session by tomorrow (Friday, November 18) night.

To sharing your life with The One,


No way, no how!

How was your work day?

No matter how stressful it was, there’s one work situation almost guaranteed to skyrocket your stress.

Yet it can be SO tempting because meeting quality men these days feels hard.

You’re busy with work all day long. And men don’t usually show up where you go on your off-time, like your yoga classes or gym.

But dating coworkers (the situation I’ve slinked into talking about lol) isn’t usually a good idea.

It seems like such a great idea on the surface. You’re at the same company in the same industry. You’ve got plenty of time together and so much to talk about when you get home.

Until it becomes a breeding ground for misunderstandings, turning your relationship toxic FAST.

Now what? You still need to show up every day and spend all day together at work.

Separating work from romance is smart for your sanity.

Are there exceptions?

Yes, of course. My partner here at Tuning into the One, Sunni, knows a couple who met and got married at a place he worked a decade ago. They’re still together.

But for every success story like that, there are countless horror stories. Dating coworkers is a slippery slope. So, if you’re going to do it, be careful. You may waste precious time much better invested attracting Mr. Right elsewhere.

Want my help sorting out your love life so you can be with Mr. Right ASAP? Go here to apply for a no-cost Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session.

If we mutually decide you’re a fit for my group program at the end, you’ll get 2 Dynamic Date Planner sessions with me to plan any dates you want.

That is, ONLY if you apply for your Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session by this Friday, November 18th.

To sharing your life with The One,
