[Video] How to recognize your soulmate

Wondering how to recognize your soulmate?

You may not know him when you see him. But you will know him by how you feel with him.

Here are important subtleties to feel for, plus my personal story of how I met and married my dream soulmate wife…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Video Transcript

Today, how to recognize your soulmate. Hi, welcome, it’s me Milan with Tuning in to the One, the place where you can find, attract, and build and grow true lasting love, finding your ideal dream soulmate, someone that you can spend the rest of your life with. Invest, explore, have amazing experiences. So welcome and welcome back. If you like our series on tuningintotheone.com about love, about soulmates, about the ability to not only find, attract, and then build and grow true lasting love, then please like us and subscribe to our channel. And as always, if you’d like to join us in our private group, click on the link on this video or right below this video and join us. Private questions, private space and place that’s safe, where you can get all of your questions answered and make sure that any burning issues that come up or any situations can get handled. Join us, it’s a wonderful community, we’d love to have you. Today, how do you recognize your soulmate or a soulmate? Is there such a thing as only one soulmate? Or do we have different kinds of soulmates? Well, obviously, there are really special relationships that touch us deeply and that seem to have a little bit of something special going on. I know for me when I met my sweet Nesit, we met at a workshop in a seminar on neurolinguistics. The first time I shook her hand when we were saying hello, she later told me electricity shot through her entire body. Now, I dunno about you but my experience is that doesn’t happen every time I meet someone. Then we had a conversation and decided we were gonna meet for coffee and it was just gonna be for a couple of questions that she had about some topics that I was helping to facilitate and teach and she wanted some answers and I said, hey, why don’t we meet for coffee and let’s talk? So we met for coffee, turned out to be our first date. Something that would’ve normally been a half an hour or hour lasted all day. I found myself driving home going like, wow, I think I might’ve just met the one. And there’s something special about those relationships, so how do you recognize your soulmate? Well, one of the characteristics and traits that are often times found is that you are able to find that connection and that communication and it’s not verbal, it’s without speaking. There’s something special going on, there’s something in your gut that tells you, you found the one. I mean, the exact words in my self-talk driving home were, I think I just met the one. There’s a palpable chemistry, it’s physical, it’s visual, it’s smell, old-factory oriented, something about it just says, wow, ding, boing, bong, and you’re just like something unusual is happening to me. You have a sense of comfort and a knowing there’s a mediate rapport between you two that’s unexplainable in terms of rational, normal, meeting every day people. And, if you look at a course in miracles, there’s a entire section that’s dedicated to special relationships. Recognizing your soulmate is recognizing that there is a special experience, relationship, moment, situation, intersection of two beings happening. The relationship doesn’t always necessarily turn out to be rainbows and beautiful things, because the other thing that happens when we meet that special someone, that ideal dream partner, is there’s a lot of things going on, we might have a lot of stuff that we’re bringing with us and they might have a lot of their own stuff and it could all get triggered. So recognize that it’s not always just rainbows, that there will be moments, opportunities, exchanges, experiences, that’ll have you going like, wow, it’ll be like a roller coaster ride, because there are things going on, layers are being peeled back, the real you underneath all that stuff, all that baggage, all those things that might’ve happened is getting pulled back to the light and it’s looking to find its disillusion and disappearance from your life. So recognize that there’ll be that kind of inexplicable, non-verbal communication that has you going like, wow. There’ll be those moments that are just incredible, that will just be unpalpably different. The chemistry, the electricity, the smells, the situations, you just mind be dumbfounded, or you might just be amazingly aware that even in the little things, there just seems to be amazing moments. I remember the first time that we physically touched, I felt like there was some unusual energy going through my body and it wasn’t just kind of like the strictly physical stuff, it was like something deep and profound is happening to me. So other things that’ll happen is that you all of a sudden find yourself not only feeling very comfortable with the person, but there’ll be this deep sense of either oh my god, oh my god, I’m either gonna run towards this or I gotta turn around and run away. There’ll be that dramatic sense of awesomeness of awe that’ll have you going like, this, I’m not sure about this, this is kinda like short circuiting my normal process, something deeper’s going on. You’re gonna have separate identities but recognizing your soulmate means recognizing your compliment mirror-person that’s there to help you and you to help them guide each other through this process of both being human and being a spiritual being and those two things just have amazing chemical, non-verbal, palpably awesome, in awe kind of things that are going on and you’ll be moved to have this kind of like I have to do something here, I find myself compelled, there’s a compulsion of meeting somebody, it’s amazing, it’s incredible, it’s awesome. Having been through four weddings, three wives, two divorces and have one amazing son, there is a amazing difference the first time I met my sweet Nesit, my soulmate, my true love, that is different from almost any other relationship. It’s very special, it’s very unique, and it had some amazingly unique properties in terms of how we met, what that felt like, how we proceeded, and all the stuff that went through until we have this inner peace and this amazing oneness, independent identities, separate people, just deep, deep, deep profound gratitude. Happy holidays, wishing you an amazing holiday season as we wind down 2016 and looking forward to absolutely an even more fantastic, incredible, full of love, joy, peace, amazing opportunities for just breathing in life for 2017. Until the next time, this is Milan saying bye for now.

Roses are red, violets are blue…

Nothing smells so sweet
Except for you!

See, I wrote you a poem.

Some women thinks that’s all awww-love-dovey romantic.

Other women thinks it’s lame. “Just another game to get in my pants!”

If you’ve got even a little of that last gal in you, please… for your sake… exorcise her.

It’s one thing to be discerning about a man’s intentions and how you like to be romanced.

It’s something else to be cynical.

Cynicism usually spews out of a deep, festering wound. Men hurt you in the past, so it’s only natural to be wounded. But it’s not natural to *stay* wounded.

To start healing, reflect on the good men in your life. The ones who greet you with a smile, keep their promises and help you feel better after being with them.

Even if you have no romantic interest in them whatsoever. They can still help you to heal, so you’re ready to step back into romance.

Or, if you want to heal FAR faster and attract Mr. Right as a natural result, maybe we should talk.

More specifically, apply for a free Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session to clarify your #1 block to attracting the right guy and an action plan to get him.

If you apply by Friday night, December 16 and are accepted, you’ll also get a Dynamic Date Planner Session with me.

That’s where we put our minds together to plan any date in advance, to filter our Mr. Wrongs fast and know if you’re spending your time with a potential Mr. Right.

Go on. Apply now.

To sharing your life with The One,


Fine, just give up and settle

That’s what the Japanese are doing. In droves.

Friends are getting married to friends over there because they’re struggling to find someone suitable.

Proof: A government survey found that 69% of Japanese men and 59% of Japanese women don’t have a romantic partner.

Maybe some good will come out of it.

At least the people are friends, and Japan is facing a massively shrinking population if more people don’t start having kids. (In the last 5 years, only ~8.4 kids were born from every 1,000 people!)

Japan’s suicide rate is also roughly 60% higher than the global average. They could use some companionship just to get through life.

Besides, the Japanese aren’t known for marrying for love anyway. A suitable partner is usually much more practical for them.

Of course, Western women usually feel better with companionship and marriage also serves their practical needs.

So why not just grab your best guy friend and marry him?

Well, you could.

But aren’t you here because you want your heart to flutter when you hug your Mr. Right?

Maybe the late comedian Robin Williams said it best:

“I used to think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone. … The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”

When you’re looking to marry for love, being with anyone but The One can make you feel lonelier than ever.

Don’t let that happen to you.

Apply for no-cost personal help from yours truly to attract him in.

When you apply by next Friday (Dec 16) night and if you’re accepted, you’ll also get a free Dynamic Date Planner session with me.

That’s where we put our minds together to plan any date in advance, to filter our Mr. Wrongs fast and know if you’re spending your time with a potential Mr. Right.

Apply now.

To sharing your life with The One,


The Vegas fallacy

That’s what the National Marriage Project calls an ironic research finding about unhappiness in marriages.

They’re referring to Las Vegas’ unofficial motto:

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

Catchy, but incredibly dumb.

Even if nobody else finds out what we do in Vegas, *we* still know, right?

The guilt, the shame, the hiding… it all hurts us later.

You can’t build a thick brick wall around your heart and have deep, intimate connection.

Anyway, the Vegas fallacy isn’t just about what we regret from the past…

The National Marriage Project’s research found that people with more previous relationship experience were — on average — unhappier in their marriages.

The causes? They weren’t quite so clear, but they guessed that having more previous partners led to more comparisons between then and now.

The people also had more experience ending relationships, so they might’ve been thinking about ending this relationship, too. Just the thought can make someone feel imprisoned.

So there’s another reason, based on research, why just dating lots of men won’t directly lead you to Mr. Right.

The self-reflection is the most important factor.

Take me, for example. I was married twice before meeting my beautiful sweet Nesit. (And she was, too!)

If we both didn’t do our inner work to heal our wounds and evolve as people, we may have never met.

I want you to meet your Mr. Right ASAP. So let me make the self-reflection part easy, by gifting you the whole first module of my How to Attract Your Soulmate in Your Spare Time course.

Go get it here.

To sharing your life with The One,


[Video] How to attract a good man

Want to know how to attract a good man?

It starts with your Soulmate Attraction Blueprint, but that’s part of only one of the three pillars I want to share with you today…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Video Transcript

Hi, and welcome, it’s Milan with Tuning Into the One. The place and space where you can find, attract, and build true lasting love, and today, the best way to attract a really good man into your life today, tomorrow, in the near future. How do you do it? What are the different pieces of that particular puzzle? Well, the best way to attract a really good man is to follow a very simple and basic recipe. It’s only got three components. The tools, the environment, and the energy. The tools are what you use in terms of getting yourself ready, in terms of attraction from the standpoint of going out there and doing those things that will let the man know you’re interested. And to find the right man in the right way in the right way in the right place at the right time, especially these days, why? Well because there’s so much on the digital dating front, and what happens is we really experience what I would call different degrees of separation when it comes down to digital dating. The best example I have is Nokia, which started in Finland, and the Finns were very challenged to speak to each other one on one when it came down to personal conversations. But something amazing happened when the introduction of cell phones happened. All the sudden, they started interacting like crazy because this degree of separation where they didn’t have to be face-to-face in front of each other, talking to each other, seemed to open up a whole new world of communication. So digital dating or getting out there and dating online is amazing because the opportunities are truly endless. The downside is that you don’t have that same degree of intimacy, that same degree of personability. You have a degree of separation with online dating. So you have tremendous opportunity, lots of different places and spaces to look. The difference is you really want to think about what are the tools you’re using to find and attract that good man into your life. What’s the environment like, and the third piece is the energy, and that’s what you bring to the equation as well as what you’re attracting in from the standpoint of the other side. So the best way to attract a really good man, a ideal dream partner, soulmate, is to think in terms of what are the tools I’m using, what’s the environment I find myself in, and what is the energy that I’m bringing to the equation? So know what you want in your ideal dream soulmate and partner, and the best way to do this is to do our Soulmate Attraction Blueprint where you find out the wants, the don’t wants, the likes, the dislikes, the deal-breakers and the must-haves. What you want and what you want in a partner. Then do the Soulmate Manifesto Magnetization exercise and this has to do with the energy. So the first part is really the tools, the Soulmate Attraction Blueprint and then the Soulmate Manifesto Magnetization and exercise is the tool that you use to ramp up your energy to be able to do it deliberately. In other words, when you look at your tools, what are you using? Are you just using online tools? Are you actually using physical tools in terms of environment, and that would be clubs, places where you can have hobbies or interests expressed, community centers for activities, organizations where you share the same values, beliefs, or your interests. So Sierra club, biking club, hiking club, walking club. All kinds of different places where you have clubs, organizations, and activity centers where you can find different environments in which to put yourself in aside from where you go everyday. The grocery store, the gym. Those are also great places to meet wonderful people. The difference is you wanna have those tools, the Soulmate Attraction Blueprint and the Soulmate Manifesto Magnetization exercise that’ll allow you to really build up that energy, and when it comes down to your energy, what kind of a person are you emotionally, physically, and energetically? Are you a happy person, are you a fun person? Are you a funny person, are you shy? Are you an animal person? Are you looking for someone to take care of you, or are you afraid of being hurt or having someone break your heart? Are you a thrill-seeker looking to have your bucket list happen like yesterday, tomorrow, the next day, this year? Next year, we’re coming up on 2017. We’re winding down 2016, so it’s important. The best way to attract a really good man has three pieces. What are the tools you’re using to attract and to use, to find that platform and that place? What’s the environment you find yourself into? Is it the online environment, is it digital, is it real? Are you looking for places in your local community where you can actually find common values, common beliefs, common interests, common hobbies? And are you putting out a certain level of energy that’s deliberate? Or are you putting out energy that might be a little bit desperate? Or are you putting out an energy that’s just disinterested and you just, you know, you’re kinda like, “Hey, I’m done with this. “I’m just tired, I’m burned out. “Too many relationship wars, too many “battles, too many scars.” Whatever your situation is, three things you wanna look at to attract a really good man into your life. What are the tools your using, both online and in real life? We here at Tuning Into the One highly recommend and very, very, very much believe that what’s going to work for tuning into that one is the Soulmate Attraction Blueprint as your basis of what you’re looking for, what you want, why you want it, and what that looks like, and then the Soulmate Manifesto Magnetization exercise, which will help you to powerfully work on your energy from the inside out to attract that very thing you want. And then of course, what are you doing with your environment along with those tools that you got going for you? Are you looking in the right places? When you’re online, are you filtering? Are you putting statements like I don’t wanna waste my time, I don’t wanna waste your time? I’m looking for a long time, exclusive, monogamous relationship full of love, heartfelt connection and then use the Soulmate Attraction Blueprint to start asking the right questions, reading into the answers and making sure you’re attracting the right type of person into your life. So until the next time, this is Milan saying join us in our private little group. The link is right here on the video, right below it, or you can join us on Facebook as well, and check us out on tuningintotheone.com. Until the next time, this is Milan wishing you an amazing dating experience and relationship mastery. Bye for now.