
Donald Trump’s stunner victory this week holds a major relationship lesson.

As we’ve seen peaceful resistance boil over into violent riots in some cities, there’s clearly a divide. Disappointment festered fast into resentment and revenge.

The ancient Hawaiians knew better. So if you’re ready to heal any resentment you have (a major secret to attracting Mr. Right), embrace their short healing “Ho’oponopono” mantra:

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Hillary’s biggest love life triumph?

Whether you love or hate Hillary Clinton, she’s got something many women dream about.

What is it?

Well, politically, she stepped out of hubby Bill’s shadow way back in Arkansas when he was running for Governor. She had a strong voice and used it.

She’s also had an impressive list of roles in her life… First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and Democratic Nominee for President.

She’s helped crack the glass ceiling for women everywhere. We’ve all got to give her credit.

Yet her personal life has been a mess.

Bill was a skirt-chaser well after they got married. The whole Monica Lewinsky scandal was just the biggest PR disaster in a string of Bill’s cheating.

You can imagine the pain behind closed doors. And the public labels people put on her for “standing by her man.”

But through it all, she’s had one label so many women — even the Hillary haters — dream of:


Hillary gave birth to Chelsea at age 32. She prioritized starting her family, even though she had bigger aspirations.

If you want to become a mom, are you doing that?

If not, what’s stopping you? Unless you’re planning on freezing your eggs, adopting or something else, there’s a finite time window to have kids.

“I need to find a guy!” is the most common answer.

Makes sense! So how are you going about it?

Many women are looping around in frustrating circles.

If that’s you and you’ve decided you’re DONE with it but want help making a beeline for Mr. Right, go here.

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. If we do a Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session and you’re right for my group coaching program, you’ll get 2 Dynamic Date Planner sessions with me to plan any dates you want — if you enroll by this Friday, November 18th.

Women have found the date-planning guidance priceless for sifting our Mr. Wrongs before they wasted much time on them.


So did you see the American election results?

Some people are outraged. Some people are overjoyed. And yet a few others couldn’t care less.

This isn’t a poltiical email, so I won’t tell you which camp I’m in.

You’re also welcome in my tribe regardless of how you’re feeling about Decision 2016.

Especially since my point here is about how we react to events.

Much of the time, we way overreact. That only becomes clear when we can look back later.

Pretty embarrassing sometimes, isn’t it?

Sometimes much worse. You can do irreparable relationship damage.

That’s why I tell my clients all the time:

“Pause for the cause.”

When the heat’s rising in you in the moment, and you want to erupt on the guy in front of you, steady yourself. Be the witness to the energy in motion (e-motion) without exploding.

All too often, we’re reacting to assumptions anyway.

Like the “WTF” in the subject line. What did you assume I meant?

Maybe I meant “Wow, that’s fickle.” Or “When there’s freckles.” Or something else. 🙂

We don’t know what we don’t know. And what we don’t even know about is pretty hard to fix.

That’s a killer when you want to meet Mr. Right, because you could be making the same mistakes over and over without ever realizing them.

So if you’re serious about having Mr. Right by the holidays next year, and you want my help (at no cost), go here.

To sharing your life with The One,


Love by the numbers

There’s a new dating app with a similar name. It matches you with men based on astrology.

Add that app to the dozens (hundreds?) of others already out there.

There’s one that shows who you’ve been near recently. Crossing paths is tres romantic, no?

There’s another that matches you based on friends of friends on Facebook.

Still another doesn’t allow men to even initiate contact. Like a Sadie Hawkins dance, the ladies get to do the asking.

Then there’s the whole universe of dating sites online.

So there’s no shortage of ways to connect with men. You can connect with thousands right from your smartphone.

Yet countless women still ask me “Where are all the good men?” and “How do I meet men?”

What’s really going on here?

Simple. The real struggle women have is sorting out who’s worth their energy / emotion and who’s not.

Which starts with clarifying what traits are truly good for you in a man.

That’s where I come in. Because the normal dating process can drag for for literally decades, right? How willing are you to plod along like you have been?

If you want results with men you can see and feel starting in days at no cost, go here.

To sharing your life with The One,


[Video] From Door Mat to Welcome Mat

“Good girl.”

You probably heard that (or something like it) growing up when you did something your parents liked.

That conditioning runs deep in us, even as adults. And that sets you up for painful relationships with men.

If that’s an issue for you, let’s change it together now…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.