Hollywood, Mixed Metaphors & Your Man

If you want faster results with men, these are exciting times here at Tuning in to the One…

I’ve been working with clients to refine my new Signature Soulmate Signals 7-Step Sequence to attract Mr. Right. Maybe I’ll come up with a shorter name. Let’s see lol.

Good thing the results it helps you get with men are shorter than ever.

Anyway, more about that down the road.

Today, I’m in Hollywood to reinforce some new metaphors. They’ll help you right now and slot right into supporting the Sequence later:

(Watch the video above!)

To lasting love,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

How a “Bad” Connection Can Be GOOD

What happens when you’ve only got one or two bars on your phone?

You get a spotty, scratchy signal. Also known as a bad connection.

Yet this “bad” connection can be a GOOD thing in relationships. Find out why in today’s video…

(Watch the video above!)

To lasting love,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Your Relationship R.O.C.K.


With everything there is to know about men and dating, it’s easy to freeze up with overwhelm.

So let’s go SUPER simple today…

Starting with building every conversation on your R.O.C.K.:

(Watch the video above!)

To lasting love,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

Strong Attraction? Tools to Pull Back…

Are you a sap?

Not the kind who cries during movies. I mean, are you “foolish” with men in ways you later regret?

Forgive yourself. We’ve all done things we regret.

Physical attraction is one of the BIGGEST reasons for regret. So here are some ways to banish creating more regrets:

(Watch the video above!)

To lasting love,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

The Goldfish’s Attraction Advantage

According to some research, the average goldfish can hold its attention for 8 seconds.

The average human? A mere 7 seconds. (Thank you cell phones and social media!)

Attention creates attraction, so how can you boost that? With a little “vehicle” I call your C.A.R….

(Watch the video above!)

To lasting love,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

The 3 Big Excuses You’re Making

These soul-snuffing excuses aren’t just keeping you from Mr. Right.

They’re also holding you out of reach from nearly everything else you want.

Are you ready to change that?

(Watch the video above!)

To lasting love,


P.S. If you’ve decided that attracting your Mr. Right is an urgent priority, then a FREE one-on-one Soulmate Attraction Blueprint Session with me might be right for you…

I only do 2 of these per week, so go here now to find out more.