[Video] How to Make Space for Your Soulmate


That’s the magic number.

For you. For me. For any exec or celebrity.

Because that’s how many hours we all have each week. Somewhere in there, we’ve got to fit in the whole soulmate attraction thing.

Here’s how…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

[Video] Better than Aladdin’s Magic Lamp?

Three wishes. Anything you want. Just rub the lamp.

No wonder the Aladdin’s magic lamp fable lives on.

Of course, real life isn’t that easy. But it’s also not as hard as people make it. And you’re NEVER limited to three measly wishes when you follow these three simple steps…

(Watch the video above!)

Go claim your Mr. Right and anything else you want.

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

A Pebble-Ripple Reminder to Realize Romance ASAP

What did the Beach Boys and Abe Lincoln know about attraction?

A whole lot, turns out.

So, as you reset for a new week, here’s their easy-peasy reminder about how to be instantly happier and more magnetic to your Mr. Right…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

“Does He Like Me?” WRONG Question.

At least until you’ve established that he’s even a potential fit.

That’s how you take back your power and keep yourself centered when you’re dating.

So let’s talk about the right questions to ask yourself first…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

This Radio Show Caller’s Dating Problem is Pandemic…

As I briefly shared a couple of days ago, a caller on The Aware Show told me he was uncomfortable asking out women who likely make much more money than him.

Simply because he’s concerned any woman like that will want him to make much more money. If not now, then when they have kids.

Woah there. You see how he jumped several years into the future and decided the relationship couldn’t work, so why even try?

Reality is, that a given woman may be happy with him just the way he is. (He’s an Ironman triathlete who competed in Hawaii, so he’s so certainly no slouch!)

We all make relationship-killing assumptions like this without even realizing it.

That’s why today’s video is all about clearing that self-sabotaging mental “stuff” that may be repelling The One:

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.

The Relationship Fitness Test

Do you dream about a fairytale life with The One?

Whatever that looks like for you.

The biggest issue my clients have?

The images parading through their minds usually have them holding hands, smiling and laughing.

You know… all lovey-dovey.

All good — EXCEPT until you get a harsh reality check.

Which tends to happen when you don’t first check out your real relationship fitness, and your guy’s.

To help you do that, here are a handful of questions to guide you, with some clarifying examples…

(Watch the video above!)

To sharing your life with The One,


P.S. Have a question about this video or any other question? Then come ask in our Facebook group. I’m in there daily and look forward to meeting you.