Sample Dating Profile Photo

  • Do you tend to attract time-wasting Mr. Wrongs on dating sites and dating apps?
  • Do you wonder what men secretly think of your dating profile photos?
  • Do you want to know a FREE, anonymous, automated way to get instant impressions from dozens of real men in your target age range?

Then, read on, because that’s exactly what you’ll know how to do in the next few minutes…

Before we dive in though, let me address a big potential objection:

“Ugh, this sounds like another ‘Hot or Not’.”

It’s NOT.

While you do get percentage-based rankings in three categories, the percentages are percentiles of how your photo was rated in those categories versus all the others. That relative ranking offers perspective on men’s perceptions in general vs. just how men rate your photo on a 1-10 scale or similar.

What The World’s Biggest Psychology Experiments Revealed About How Men Truly See Women

Two neuroscientists, Ogi Oggas and Sai Gaddan used the Internet to study what half a billion men and women did in private.

They then used that research to distill down the hardwired sexual cues men and women have. Some of their findings were expected and some weren’t.

One of their unexpected findings was “When it comes to sexual arousal, men prefer overweight women to underweight women.” So much for the classic “I don’t look like the women on the magazines” self-put-down. You can find their full research and findings in their bestselling book, A Billion Wicked Thoughts.

That said, their extensive research still reaffirmed what street-smart women have known for ages:

Men’s brains respond to visual stimuli, especially in mating, much more than women’s brains do.

So, even when you’re looking for The One (our specialty here), your dating profile photos are making a crucial first impression.

How then can you know what first impression is?

A New Free Service Gets You Fast Feedback from Real Men

As I teased about in the intro, this relatively new service has plenty going for it to make it a no-brainer (little neuroscience joke there) for your dating profiles:

  • You stay 100% anonymous. You never disclose your name or other identifying details, and search engines don’t index your photos.
  • You’re always in control. Stop gathering feedback whenever you want. You control how many men you collect thoughts from.
  • You get dating-specific feedback. You can also choose business or non-romantic social contexts, which have totally different questions for men to answer (as they should).
  • You choose the age range of men you’re targeting for dating. Only men in that age range will see your photos.
  • You can test UNLIMITED photos. Want to see if another photo gets better feedback? Test as many as you want.
  • More objective than your guy friends. Most friends won’t want to hurt your feelings, and they won’t see you the same way as someone seeing your dating profile for the first time anyway.

Not bad, huh?

I’ve used it and found it pretty insightful. You might be surprised how other people see you compared to how you see yourself. (You’ll be okay. It’s normal to be a little scared. I bet you’ll be hooked once you give it a go.)

So What Exactly Is This New Service and How Do You Get Started?


Bit of a creepy name, but it’s really pretty cool if you can get past the name.

There’s not a whole lot to it. Head over to the site to sign up for a free account.

Once you’re signed up and logged in, you’ll see this screen:

PhotoFeeler Test Setup Screen 1

Either upload a photo or import one from one of your social profiles.

Then, choose “Dating” for the test category:

PhotoFeeler Test Setup - Screen 2

Also test out the Business and Social categories or those contexts (with different photos) when you get a chance.

Now, select your gender and age. Then select that you want men in your target age range to give you feedback.

PhotoFeeler Test Setup - Screen 3

Finally, select how statistically precise you want it to be and how you want to pay for the test.


“I thought you said it’s free!”

Yep, I say that because the first option (rating other people’s photos) is free. Or you can just buy a bunch of credits (it’s pretty affordable).

PhotoFeeler Test Setup - Screen 4

Once your test is running, PhotoFeeler will email you when your results are in.

That’s it!

PhotoFeeler Isn’t Perfect

When you get the results for any photo test, you’ll see scores in three categories and also some text feedback.

While all useful, you often won’t know exactly why men scored your photo as they did. The text feedback can help there, but I’ve found most people choose from PhotoFeeler’s list of generic text blurbs instead of taking the time to detail their thoughts.

So be it. As long as you get enough men in your target age range looking at your photo, the results are usually still pretty insightful — especially once you test a second photo. The side-by-side results comparison can be downright enlightening.

Want to Know What Men Think About MUCH More Than Your Photos?

PhotoFeeler is fantastic for getting men’s thoughts about your dating profile photos.

But how do you find out what else men are thinking — about their careers, when they’ll be really ready for marriage and kids, and how they see the world at large?

If you want to turbo-sift out time-wasting Mr. Wrongs so you can invest your energy with potential Mr. Rights, then you need to know how to ask men the right questions in the right way at the right time. You know, so you don’t scare them off by sounding like an FBI investigator from the start.

That’s exactly why my partner, master coach Milan Botica, decided to share his step-by-step process in our Male Mind Master Key report.

In less than 10 minutes, you’ll know how to keep your conversations with men lighthearted and flowing while getting the essential info you want.

The report is FREE, so grab it here now:

The Male Mind Master Key

This info helped Milan’s very first client to attract her Mr. Right in only four months. No guarantees on you replicating that result, BUT we’re confident you can at least stop wasting time on Mr. Wrongs and more time with potential Mr. Rights.

To sharing your life with The One,

Resident Tech Geek