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“How to Know When to Trust Men” Training Registration – Tuning in to the One

How to Know When to Trust Men

So You Don't Waste Any More Time

or Get Hurt Again

Milan Botica

Milan Botica has been with his soulmate wife since 2008, helped his first client attract her Mr. Right within 4 months and has coached more than 250 clients one-on-one

"Reserve Your FREE Seat Now, for this online training that will change the way you think about men, dating and yourself..."



at 6pm Pacific Standard Time

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Come discover...

  1. 4 instant unconscious eye "tells" that show you in one glance what a man really thinks about what he's telling you (These double the fun and insight from even the most humdrum dating questions)
  2. The most important body language cues to watch for as your conversation progresses to gauge his interest level (and likelihood of a next date)
  3. Tonality compatibility clues into a man's natural energy, to hear and feel clearly how much you resonate with him 
  4. Ever have trouble saying "No" to men in any situation? Use my "Speak Your Piece and Keep the Peace" script to gently-but-clearly say no without offending men
  5. My Sacred Soulmate Signals 4-Step process that every happy couple you know has gone through, usually unconsciously. Do it consciously to minimize YOUR time to attract Mr. Right
Lilian KwanAccountant

“I was ready to give up the idea of meeting somebody… Yet, after a few weeks of working with Milan, I started noticing a difference in me. And now, in 4 short months, I have attracted the gentleman I call my soulmate. Thank God for bringing this wonderful coach Milan into my life!”

(Individual results may vary)

“Before working with Milan, I was feeling a lot of fear regarding moving forward in my career and romantic relationships. Today, I have five agents, am in a fabulous relationship, and I am making more money than I thought possible in my career.”

Laura Ann RileyActress

(Individual results may vary)

Shawna S.Art Therapist

“Milan is a no-fluff coach who knows how men tick — and can articulate that in ways that most men can’t. That’s why I feel more secure and confident than ever as a single woman in her mid 40’s dating."

(Individual results may vary)

“My relationship with my fiancé is at an incredible point and the coaching I have had is working wonders for my sex life!!!”

Kelly JarvisGovernment Specialist

(Individual results may vary)

* Important Note: due to technical restrictions, the available places on this training are strictly limited! Reserve your FREE seat now to ensure your participation.