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YES, Milan! I want your help clarifying what I’m looking for in my hard-working, heart-centered dream partner and real-world attraction-multiplying strategies. That will save me from the crushing cycle of heartbreak and despair from endlessly chasing the wrong partners.
I understand I get INSTANT ACCESS to the full "How to Attract Your Soulmate in Your Spare Time" Video Mini-Course, so I can immediately start attracting The One -- someone who matches my REAL wants, don't wants, must-haves, and deal-breakers -- while repelling the time wasters.
I get everything listed here:
Module 1 – Your Soulmate Attraction Blueprint and Soulmate Manifesto: The Step-by-Step Easy and Fun Approach That Uncovers Your Perfect Partner
Module 2 – Dialing Up Your V.I.B.E: How to Easily Clarify Your Values, Identities, Beliefs and Expectations So You Can Drastically Up-Level Who You’re Dating and How They React to You Almost Immediately
Module 3 – Your M.A.P.P. to The One: The Secret Path to Magnetically Attracting Your Dream Partner by Consciously Leveraging Your Past Patterns – Positive AND Negative (Yes, Seriously. I Can’t Wait to Show You This!)
(With more advanced modules coming in 2017, for free.)
I understand my entire investment today is backed by a full 30-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee so I can consume the video trainings and get answers to ALL of my questions on the Soulmate Attraction Intensive Web Workshop... and then decide for myself of the value, risk-free. What’s more, I can keep ALL of these bonuses even if I do request a no-questions-asked, no-hassles refund:
BONUS #1: LIFETIME course material updates (a $47.00 value)
BONUS #2: LIVE Soulmate Attraction Intensive Web Workshop to ask every question you have (a $97.00 value)
BONUS #3: 7 Sacred Soulmate Signals e-book (a $27.00 value)
I understand that by enrolling today, I get the course and bonuses today, plus all future updates for only $47 total..
I also understand that the price may increase at any time (as it already has)... so I’m choosing not to miss this opportunity... and grab all the bonuses by securing my seat for Milan’s help attracting my soulmate right now.
Don’t decide today, because you can consume ALL the material (plus, ask me ANYTHING you want on the Soulmate Attraction Intensive Web Workshop) for 30 days.
If, by the end of those 30 days, you’re not happy for any reason – or no reason at all – email and ask for a prompt refund. No questions, no hassles.
Even better, keep ALL of the bonuses as our gifts for giving the course a fair shot.
"I was ready to give up the idea of meeting somebody... Yet, after a few weeks of working with Milan, I started noticing a difference in me. And now, in 4 short months, I have attracted the gentleman I call my soulmate. Thank God for bringing this wonderful coach Milan into my life!"
Lilian Kwan
Accountant in Irvine, California
“Before working with Milan, I was feeling a lot of fear regarding moving forward in my career and romantic relationships. Today, I have five agents, am in a fabulous relationship, and I am making more money than I thought possible in my career.”
Laura Ann Riley
Actress in Burbank, California
"My relationship with my fiancé is at an incredible point and the coaching I have had is working wonders for my sex life!!!"
Kelly Jarvis
Government Specialist in Brisbane, Australia
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